JTC’s Email Continuity Solution is a service that enables continuous web-based email access, management, and use during planned or unplanned mail server outages. Email Continuity can be enabled automatically or enabled via a simple admin check box, giving users access to their mail so that they can manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications. In case of an outage, end users access the Web 2.0 email client allowing them to read, compose, reply to, forward and delete messages.

High-Availability Messaging Protection
Email has become an indispensable tool in the normal functioning of virtually all organizations. Both internally and externally, email has replaced phone and face-to-face meetings as the primary way we communicate with colleagues, customers, partners and vendors. That’s why even a few minutes of interruption can create a flood of help desk requests. Backup systems and archiving help
retain your email, but they don’t offer the real-time, web-based access that allows end-users to continue managing their stream of business email communications regardless of interruptions.
Email Continuity provides an uninterrupted flow of your email stream assuring your users access to their mail and empowering them to manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications.
• Guarantees access to critical email and avoids productivity loss due to email interruptions.
• Easy to implement.
• Once enabled, users have complete access to their email and can remain productive.
• Can be enabled automatically.
Continuous Email Availability.  When an interruption occurs, your messages are automatically spooled as soon as the destination mail server becomes unavailable. Once Email Continuity is enabled, users can access their email for normal business processes:
• Read, compose, reply to, forward and delete messages
• Upload and download attachments
• Perform header text searches of all the messages in their mailboxes
• The administrator can implement rules to have outbound messages diverted to users’ Sent Mail folders to complete the activity synchronization.

Email Continuity provides a rolling 35-day archive of inbound messages, which are made available for use during the interruption just as they would if email systems were working. Emails you send and receive using Email Continuity are automatically synchronized with your internal email server once it is back online.


Email Management Solution Powered by Eprism and Edgewave