Email Management Solution Powered by Eprism and Edgewave

Extraordinarily Accurate Spam and virus filtering, Continuity, Encryption and Archiving Solutions

Zero-Minute Defense against spam and phishing attacks

Zero Minute DefenseTM is the real-time protection behind ePrism Email Security. Zero Minute Defense combines human review with next-generation technology to stop the most sophisticated of email-based spam and threats. Because hackers are determined to create novel ways to infiltrate, it takes a human to determine if a message is legitimate or an adversary attack.

How Zero Minute Defense Works:

  • Inbound email messages pass through proprietary next-generation artificial intelligence filters, including multiple antivirus engines, to identify anomalous or unusual behavior
  • Edgewave analysts then review for psychological and technical threat cues
  • When a threat is identified, our cyber security analysts immediately create and synchronize threat
    protection rules for all ePrism customers
  • On average 200 new rules are created every day to stop emerging threats, with nearly 30,000 rules
    active at any given time

No other solution offers Edgewave’s Zero Minute Defense’s unique and effective combination of human and

artificial intelligence to accurately identify and stop even the most sophisticated of email-based threats in real time.

A multi-layered approach to stop spam, phishing and malicious emails

ePrism Email Security software deploys proprietary technology that surpasses other approaches with its ability to stop emerging threats without adversely affecting the flow of legitimate business-critical email. Proprietary technology protects both inbound and outbound email to assure comprehensive secure email defense.

  • Inbound – Incoming email must pass through successive layers of SMTP session level defenses and antivirus engines before reaching the recipient’s inbox. An effective phishing filter, each level also looks for and removes specific threats based on content analysis, virus detection, sender profiling and more.
  • Outbound – Since delivery is critical to any secure email for business, outbound traffic is inspected to identify computers that have been infected and converted to a “zombie” or botnet client. Botnet attacks can result in a network being black-listed by other spam filters, preventing legitimate email sent by anyone on the network from reaching its intended recipient.
  • Adaptive Threat Detection – This technology defends against network-based threats such as DoS and DHA by using grey listing and merit-based reputation analysis of IP addresses, senders, and recipients.
  • Email Behavioral Analysis – EdgeWave’s behavior-analysis system is proactive email security, monitoring inbound and outbound network traffic to spot unusual behavior patterns. Suspicious emails are identified and blocked.
  • Sender Reputation Tracking – Merit-based reputation is created for each email sender based on history and message characteristics to detect spammers. This reputation analysis is then used to identify and block spam.
  • Email DNA Analysis – Proprietary Email DNA analysis technology identifies unique characteristics of email that indicate spam, phishing schemes, and other forms of dangerous or objectionable content with unrivalled accuracy.
  • Email Spam Trigger – Exclusive phishing and spam filter technology monitors campaigns to quickly identify spam and phishing before they penetrate users’ networks. Suspicious campaigns are quarantined until a rule can be made.
  • Advanced Image Filtering – Advanced Image Filtering technology includes both comprehensive image analysis as well as dynamic feedback of the message content.   

Powerful Antivirus Protection

ePrism includes multiple anti-virus scanning engines including Kasperky

Data Loss Prevention

ePrism DLP prevents the loss of sensitive private data, and gives you the powerful tools you need to comply with government regulations such as HIPAA and GLBA. Our DLP functionality includes a content analysis and policy engine that uses proprietary technology to protect private information transmitted via outgoing email. This egress prevention technology analyses outbound information, detects private content in motion, and stops sensitive, protected data from leaving your network.

Anti-botnet protection

ePrism provides malware and virus protection of your outbound traffic by identifying computers that have been surreptitiously converted to a “zombie” network or botnet client. ePrism blocks any outbound spam and malicious email attempts for complete malware and virus protection. It then notifies your network

administrator so that zombie computers can be identified and treated for the underlying infection.

Email Continuity: 24/7 access to your emails.

ePrism Email Continuity is a service that enables continuous web-based email access, management, and use during planned or unplanned mail server outages. ePrism Email Continuity can be enabled automatically or enabled via a simple admin check box, giving users access to their mail so that they can manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications. In case of an outage, end users access the Web 2.0 email client allowing them to read, compose, reply to, forward and delete messages.

Customizable Reporting

ePrism includes sophisticated email reporting tools that provide comprehensive data on both inbound and outbound messages to help you review and manage your organization’s email filtering. Choose from a wide- range of available report templates, or customize reports to fit your organization’s requirements. Get aggregate email reports that include your entire organization, or drill-down to individual users. Reports can be generated on-demand or scheduled to generate automatically, when you need them.

Powerful Email Encryption

ePrism Email Encryption provides cost-effective, fully hosted business email security to protect your organization from financial fines, brand reputation damage and other negative consequences that can occur when unsecured sensitive email leaves your organization. ePrism Email Encryption supports all email gateways.

ePrism provides multiple encryption options to meet your needs and assure the security of your messaging:

  • TLS Server-to-Server Encryption– Transparent to end users, TLS Encryption works by establishing private email networks linking you with your business-critical partners via the use of certificates.

Every email sent or received by these networks is securely encrypted while the encryption remains

completely transparent to both the sender and recipient.

  • Park and Pull Encryption – Park and Pull Encryption provides secure email communication

between the sender and the recipient of messages, even to individuals outside your organization. Unlike end-to-end email encryption software, the park and pull technique does not require key codes or the installation of any software by the sender, recipient or email hosts.

  • Push Encryption – Push Encryption provides secure delivery without leaving sensitive messages in the cloud waiting to be picked up. With Push Encryption, the message is encrypted, put in an html file and attached to a notification message. Once authenticated, the recipient can view the attachment in a browser window, and can respond or forward the message and download any attachments.

Multiple encryption options to ensure the security of all messages leaving your network.

Comprehensive Email Archiving

ePrism Email Archiving offers secure email archiving that is scalable email security to fit the requirements of

any size organization. ePrism Archiving retains email in an unalterable state to meet requirements for regulatory compliance, litigation issues, storage management needs, or to fulfill business best practices guidelines. ePrism Archiving Services are in-the-cloud, so scalability is assured. And secure email data collection technology provides comprehensive interoperability with all messaging systems.

Data Loss Prevention

Stop sensitive data such as patient health records or financial information from getting in the wrong hands.

Customizable Reporting and Alerts

Sophisticated email reporting tools combined with flexible and customizable notifications make email security administrative chores a thing of the past.