Multi-Layered Defense

JTC’s  Email SPAM Solution deploys proprietary technology that surpasses other approaches with its ability to stop emerging threats without adversely affecting the flow of legitimate business-critical email. Proprietary technology protects both inbound and outbound email to assure comprehensive secure email defense.

  • Inbound – Incoming email must pass through successive layers of SMTP session level defenses and antivirus engines before reaching the recipient’s inbox. An effective phishing filter, each level also looks for and removes specific threats based on content analysis, virus detection, sender profiling and more.
  • Outbound – Since delivery is critical to any secure email for business, outbound traffic is inspected to identify computers that have been infected and converted to a “zombie” or botnet client. Botnet attacks can result in a network being black-listed by other spam filters, preventing legitimate email sent by anyone on the network from reaching its intended recipient.
  • Adaptive Threat Detection – This technology defends against network-based threats such as DoS and DHA by using grey listing and merit-based reputation analysis of IP addresses, senders, and recipients.
  • Email Behavioral Analysis – EdgeWave EPIC behavior-analysis system is proactive email security, monitoring inbound and outbound network traffic to spot unusual behavior patterns. Suspicious emails are identified and blocked.
  • Sender Reputation Tracking – Merit-based reputation is created for each email sender based on history and message characteristics to detect spammers. This reputation analysis is then used to identify and block spam.
  • Email DNA Analysis – Proprietary Email DNA analysis technology identifies unique characteristics of email that indicate spam, phishing schemes, and other forms of dangerous or objectionable content with unrivalled accuracy.
  • Email Spam Trigger – Exclusive phishing and spam filter technology monitors campaigns to quickly identify spam and phishing before they penetrate users’ networks. Suspicious campaigns are quarantined until a rule can be made.
  • Advanced Image Filtering – Advanced Image Filtering technology includes both comprehensive image analysis as well as dynamic feedback of the message content.

Email Management Solution Powered by Eprism and Edgewave