Web Monitoring

  • Keep your network safe.
  • Monitor individual users.
  • Completely transparent to the user(s).
  • Daily reports
  • Apply time-based browsing rules and web content filtering policies to a variety of website categories to the individual user(s).
  • Help employees stay productive.
  • Monitor bandwith usage.
  • Protect your business from legal liability.
  • Monitor as many users as needed.
  • Low monthly cost per user being monitored.

Our web filtering feature also enables you to set up a central policy and point all devices to that policy for centralized web protection. Policy options include:

  • Apply a “web bandwidth” check and receive alerts when bandwidth is exceeded
  • Set white lists and black lists
  • Apply a schedule that allows employees to access non-work sites during lunch or out of office hours
  • Filter Internet activity by day, category and URL
  • Apply web filtering to enforce Internet access policies